Jul 19, 2008

will we remain silent ??

the alarm woke me up at 6:30 this morning , I held my pink mobile n my hand , opened half an eye and looked at the screen . 

and there it was , the SMS message with the horrible  news .
a friend of mine had her legs cut of .... 

I looked again .. thinking I am still dreaming , then stood up , looked at my legs . and my eye accumulated few tears to be let down . 
the feeling was indescribable , it was like being woken up by spilling freezing water n my face .. 

yes ... she had a car accident few months ago , and yes ... she was not waring her seat belt ....
after many surgeries and much more days of torture , she developed gangrene then septicemia , and the rest u may imagine .
until when will we remain silent ??? 
until the crazy monster of accidents come down to hunt us ??? 
until it swallows the rest of our beloved ?? 

sadness can never solve anything neither will it change facts ... 
as god says : 
"إن الله لا يغير ما بقوم حتى يغيرو ما بأنفسهم " 
سورة الرعد 


starfish said...

sorry to hear about your friend?
where did that happen? Egypt? or KSA?

NAda said...

Bahrain Actually