Sep 30, 2014

لوصف زهر اللوز - محمود درويش

من ذكرى محمود درويش 
لأن غيومنا الرمادية .. تحتاج كثيراً من الشمس ... وجرعات من الحب .. لتنقشع 

Sep 28, 2014

My Secrets of Adulthood

Inspired by Gretchen Rubin and her book "The Happiness Project" , I came up with my own "Secrets Of Adulthood": 

  • Life is not always rosy 
  • The harder you work the luckier you get 
  • To each his own
  • Choose your fights carefully 
  • Enemies do not exist, only people you can learn to forgive 
  • No one is perfect 
  • Change start from self 
  • The more we accept ourselves, the more other people accept us
  • Love brings more love
  • A smile is the key to people's hearts 
  • Self-regard is not selfish
  • Feelings are a natural thing, how we go about them is the challenging part 
  • Nothing is to be taken for granted 
  • Life is long enough if you live it your way 
  • We are more like others than we think we are 

Sep 25, 2014

The Rain of Fall

It is a rainy day 
First rainy day of fall 
I love rain 
Did I mention that I love rain 
About a thousand times perhaps

Up from the 9th floor I looked at the city 
East side of Baltimore 
Old houses 
Neglected homes 
Few trees 
Turning yellow
Cars of all colors and shapes 
Running down the streets 
Going home 
Picking up their children from school 
Visiting their sick ones in the hospital
Living life 

Clouds coloring the sky with different shades of white 
Pouring over the bare heads of people 
Over their colorful umbrella's 

And a warm feeling of harmony surrounds me 
It is the nature of life 
Wetness and cold 
In appreciation of warmth and dryness

in a patient wait for Spring  

Sep 24, 2014

The Dream Catcher

Over my bed at home, there is a ring with feathers hanging from it
It has been hanging there for years, 5 years perhaps 

I often forget it hangs there ..but it never forgets I sleep under it
It is a dream catcher that I got as a gift from my father  

Being here.. thousands of miles away from home 
I found a dream catcher 
And hung it over my bed 
To bring me home .. in my dreams

Sep 18, 2014

The Happiness Project

So my wedding is in June , 8 months from now ? well being so busy with other "important stuff"I haven't been counting , and don't get me wrong I am supper excited about my wedding and my wedding dress , but I just haven't had time to sit with my self and organize my excitement 

 Last night I called my sister in low , who her wedding will be in March and she started talking to me about her dress and her shoes , and all those plans she made for her wedding 

So , I sat and I organized my excitement, and reached to a conclusion: Finding my dream wedding dress is one of the happiest and exciting moments in my life and it should be on top of my Happiness Project priorities 

So , I decided to make a Happiness document

Today's Happiness Picture

Sep 17, 2014


أيلول .. شهر التغير و التلون
حيث لا تخشى الأشجار فن الوقوع 
تنكسر الأوراق بإباء .... لأنها تعرف أن حلم الربيع آت 

The Month of yellow and orange trees 
let the Dreams come closer to me , let the leaves find a way to fall in a graceful way 

My Happiness Project

 I have been looking at the cover of this book for so long until one day I decided to buy it!!l
 Because I tell my self I don't have time to read, or perhaps because I actually enjoy listening to  
! Audi-books, I got the audio version.

 Three minutes listening to the book and I was completely hooked by the idea and decided to start 
my own Happiness Project   

Though I told my self , I think I am going through one of the happiest phases in my life
,waking up everyday with a big smile thanking god for his many blessings 
But I still thought I could benefit from starting my happiness project while I am happy , to keep  happy and be even happier day by day .

   Tribute to my wonderful Fiance who once told me " I am the Happiest man on earth"l
and Today I say " I am the Happiest Girl on Earth"l and I plan to keep on that title