Dec 31, 2015

2016 - Chapter II

I like labeling my years, putting a common theme to each year...
Last year was the year of growth and blossom...
This year however, seems different , I just don't feel I am in the same chapter as before.
It is like my whole life until 2015 was a story, and it ended by falling in love and getting married.
"And we lived happily ever after" right?

This is why it is chapter II, where the ever after starts and great things happen in the stable life of partnership.

Dec 2, 2015

Pearls of Personal Wisdom

"A moment that changed my life forever"  

I was lost ... completely lost.. 
Anxiety level was sky high, I barely could sit still 
And my heart was pounding so hard I wished I could stop it for just a moment  

I did not know where I was going with my life nor how to stop the tornado in my head
Yet, from the out side I looked so calm ,I spoke so calmly and I smiled 

At that moment, I told my self I had two choices , either to think and act or let the tornado carry me away 
I remember my exacts location in the park, when I told him:

We are in this car together, 
some times I will panic and you will have to drive, other time you will be paralyzed with fear and I will drive.. 
we will sing together, laugh, cry and fight  
but no one is getting out of this car.. 
we ride together in life …. 

I couldn’t believe I said that, I waited few minutes.. to comprehend it myself… it made so much sense… 
I did not think about it … it just came out…
And It kept repeating it self in my mind after that 
It is interesting how we say something and it resonates with us for a long time 

The moment I understood what I said was the moment I felt in control of my tornado … It was not going to carry me away anymore..  

Love made sense … partnership made sense .. and my whole life after that made sense.. 

More Secrets of Adulthood

Being an adult could be challenging at times, but mostly it is fun ....
The "Child me" can't help but to admire the wisdom the "Adult me" collected over the years.  So I decided to share more of my secret adulthood wisdom with the "Children you are"

Beautiful things are everywhere, you just need to see them

Think of others, and be thankful of what you have

Have compassion, even with the smallest creatures

We all get our share of happiness, we just need to appreciate it

Bad things happen, to all people and you are not an exception

Death is a part of life, the sooner we understand it, the happier we are