Jan 27, 2013

إنسان بدرجة أولى

taken by Iphone May2012

تناولت حقيبتي الباك باج الملونة و جواز سفري الأخضر و توجهت الى بوابة الطيران .
نظر الي موظف الخطوط و أنا واقفة في الطابور خلف عشرات من المسافرين ذوي البشرة الداكنة وقال : دكا؟!!!
ابتسمت : نعم
-تفضلي بالجلوس و سأنادي عليك حين ينتهي الجميع من البوردنج .
ولأنني معتادة على معاملة خاصة للسيدات في أحيان كثيرة خصوصا في بلادي , لم أناقش و ذهبت حيث أشار .و انتظرت
نظرت الى الصف الطويل من البشر بملابسهم البسيطة و حقائبهم الممتلئة بكل ما يستطيعون حمله ,
و عامل الخطوط  يصرخ في وجوههم ويدفعهم الى البوابة .
كرهت نفسي لأني تلقيت معاملة خاصة ...  لأني قبلت أن أعامل كبشر من درجة أعلى ...
كرهت أنني في عالم أصبح الخليجي فيه سيد .. و الهندي عبد ...

جاء موظف آخر شاب  آخر يبدو مرتبا بقميصه الأبيض و شعره المسرح بعناية
, ابتسم , ابتسمت
قال بلهجة بحرينية محببة الى قلبي : شعندج رايحة دكا يالشيخة ؟
سألته :  اتسألني بداعي الفضول أم لأسباب أمنية
-          اعذريني ولكني أسأل بداعي الفضول حيث أنني ولأول مرة منذ بدأت العمل هنا منذ عشر سنوات أرى شابة خليجية تذهب الى دكا
-          أنا طبيبة و ذاهبة الى هناك في مهمة انسانية
-          ايه أنا قلت شي  جذي , هاي ديرة أحد يروحها , حاسبي على نفسج الديرة مو أمان
تهذيبه البالغ و ابتسامته القلقة شفعا لفضوله , فاكتفيت بابتسامة لمداراة تضايقي .
جاء كبير الموظفين رجل بحريني في عمر والدي ربما , قال بصوت عال : أحضر لهذه الفتاة باصا خاصا ينقلها الى الطائرة .
فتحت فمي للنقاش : لا احتاج باصا خاصا
ولكن الباص الخاص بي كان قد وصل ...
بلا نقاش ... استقليت الباص
و صعدت ... الى الطائرة درجة أولى
لأهبط بدرجة انسان فقط 


a said...

Well written. It's a shame how some people are treated this way like they're animals of some sort. I'm sure your whole travel/volunteering experience humbled you even more.
Firas Alnaji

Unknown said...

Nice words. It's really bad to see discrimination between people and its worst to see how some ethnicity are treated insignificantly in front you and you get to see that look on their faces when they feel themselves differentiated. But honestly I still cant blame this man who's at your father's age who may treated you like a daughter and cared you get special treat in your noble trip which he never witness a case like that in his whole career

Ali Alkhamees

Nada said...

Thank you Dear brothers for taking the time to read and reflect back .

I don't blame the man from the airlines as I know he was doing this out of kindness .
He is ( as we all are to some level ) part of a discriminating society . and we should try to alert our selves every time not to stereotype or treat people according to how they look or where they come from .
No one is perfect , but we should all try =)

دمتم بحب

Unknown said...

Along the history of humanity, man has always created measures through which he tried establishing superiority to himself
over those different than him, we always try to find means to privilege ourselves and disdain others, be it race, color, language,
job or social class, always try to favor ourselves, and that is a nature that will never change in humans for as long as they exist,
but I think that even with that being said, we're meant to be in a constant struggle against that, and turn it into an honorable
competition among us humans, instead of discrimination.
it saddens me though that in a society claiming virtue and Islamic ethics that promote equality among humans,
we are one of the worst discriminating societies on earth !

Unknown said...


I tried to analyze your experience from a reader perspective and I put a comment describing how deep that experience must been, an eye open to say the least. I justified the human action, yet judged an inherently injustice system. But then, before hitting send button I saw myself in a deeper dilemma; Am I the human action or am I the system?? Were the feeling in my comment reflecting a commitment or were they sanctimonious? How can anybody possiblity see differentiate their self-righteousness from righteousness?? Because suddenly, to reply with distaste, humility and to reflect on the human injustice is self-serving and self-rewarding... but is it moral?

But then I am troubled more with my current comment; claiming morality by refusing to be self-righteous, is very self-righteous.

Troubled John