Aug 9, 2008

petition to god

few dayz ago I started reading the Novel eat, pray and love by Elizabeth Gilbert .

almohem I got to a conversation between the writer (who was going through a dramatic divorce depression ) and her friend about writing a petition to god , here it goes : 
friend : " you are part of this universe, you have every entitlement  to participate in the action of this universe " "  put your opinion out there , make your case . believe me - it will at least be taken into consideration ".
So the she wrote a petition : 
"Dear God.
     Please intervene and help end this divorce. My husband and I have failed at our marriage and now we are failing at our divorce. This poisonous process is bringing suffering to us and to everyone who cares about us.
     I recognize that you are busy with wars and tragedies and much larger conflicts than the ongoing dispute of one dysfunctional couple. But it is my understanding that the health of the planet is affected by the health of every individual on it. As long as even two souls are locked in conflict, the whole of the world is contaminated by it. Similarly, if even one or two souls can be free from discord, this will increase the general health of the whole world, the way a few healthy cells in a body can increase the general health of the body. . . ."
This made me think ... we send petitions to god every day by prayers . 
but we Never spend the time to set and think , to write a proper one to send to the King of the universe . 
so lets all try it .. spend few minutes and write down your prayers before sending them  ...


Reh@m said...

nice's really gr8 idea...i think after doin zat we will feel more comfortable..just because we will be sure zat every part of us wiz god....nice blog..and go on...

NAda said...

Thanx for passing by , and I really recommend the book , one of the best =)